How to add HTML5 Audio Playlist for Blogger

Punniya seelan


In my blog, I used to show how to put Mp3 in Blogger and how to install responsive audio video play function together and can be accessed in the section Blogger tips. And in this tip, I came up with a code that can play mp3 songs like a list called HTML Audio Playlist, which looks beautiful and responsive. Also.

៙ How to code a template:

1. Log in to your Blogger account.

2- Backup your blog template to prevent erroneous coding.

3- Go to Theme >>> Edit HTML

4- Copy the following code and paste it under <head>

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>

<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''/>

<script src=''></script>

<script src=''></script>

5- Copy the following code and paste it on </head>

<style type='text/css'>

.player-wrapper {

        border-radius: 5px;

        box-shadow: 0 0 8px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);

        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(315deg, #FF5572, #FF7555);

        background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #FF5572, #FF7555);

        overflow: hidden;

        margin: 0 auto;

        max-width: 100%;

        width: 100%;

        padding: 0;

        border-radius: 0;


    ul.playlist {

        margin: 0;

        padding: 15px 15px 0 15px;


    ul.playlist a {

        color: #fff;

        text-decoration: none;


    ul.playlist li {

        overflow: hidden;

        line-height: 20px;

        display: flex;

        padding: 10px 0;

        border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(230, 211, 211, 0.31);


    ul.playlist li::before {

        content: "\f001";

        margin-right: 10px;

        font-size: 120%;

        background-color: #02020266;

        font-family: Fontawesome;

        color: white;

        padding: 6px 8px;

        text-align: center;

        border-radius: 3px;


    .track-info {

        display: inline-block;

        position: relative;

        line-height: 1.3em;

        width: 100%;

        font-weight: 500;


    .track-info .artist {

        display: block;

        font-size: 13px;

        font-style: normal;

        line-height: 15px;

        color: #fff;

        text-decoration: none;


    .track-info .title {

        display: block;

        color: #fff;


    ul.playlist .download {

        float: right;


    .mejs__controls {

        height: 60px;



    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__pause {

        background: #FFB00E;

        width: 40px;

        padding: 0 5px;

        border-radius: 50%;


    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__replay {

        background: #29cf54;


    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__play {

        background: #29cf54;

        width: 40px;

        padding: 0 5px;

        border-radius: 50%;


    .mejs__time {

        box-sizing: content-box;

        color: #444;

        font-size: 15px;

        font-weight: bold;

        height: 24px;

        overflow: hidden;

        width: 50px;

        padding: 16px 0;


    .mejs__button > button {

        display: block;

        padding: 0;

        border: 0;

        font-family: FontAwesome;

        font-size: 20px;

        color: #444;

        background: transparent!important;


    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__play button:before {

        content: "\f04b";

        color: #fff;


    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__pause button:before {

        content: "\f04c";

        color: #fff;


    .mejs__button.mejs__playpause-button.mejs__replay button:before {

        content: "\f01e";

        color: #fff;


    .mejs__button.mejs__volume-button.mejs__mute button:before {

        content: "\f028";


    .mejs__button.mejs__volume-button.mejs__unmute button:before {

        content: "\f026";


    .mejs__container {

        font-family: Segui Ui, Arial, serif;

        background-size: cover;

        position: relative;

        background: #fff;

        text-align: left;

        text-indent: 0;

        vertical-align: top;

        height: 80px!important;

        width: 100%!important;


    .mejs__controls:not([style*="display: none"]) {

        background: none;


    .mejs__time-total {

        background: rgb(212, 245, 221);

        margin: 5px 0 0;

        width: 100%;


    span.mejs__time-current {

        background: #dedede;


    span.mejs__time-loaded {

        background: #29cf54;


    .mejs__time-handle-content {

        border: 4px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);

        border-radius: 0;

        height: 10px;

        left: -5px;

        top: -4px;

        -webkit-transform: scale(0);

        -ms-transform: scale(0);

        transform: scale(0);

        width: 1px;


    .mejs__horizontal-volume-total {

        background: rgb(41, 207, 84);

        height: 10px;

        top: 14px;

        border-radius: 0;



6- Copy the following code and put it on </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>


let audio, playlist, tracks, current, player = new Plyr("#main-audio");

function initAudio() {

    current = 0;

    audio = $('audio');

    playlist = $('.track-list');

    tracks = playlist.find('.track');

    len = tracks.length; (event) {


        link = $(this);

        current = link.index();

        run(link, audio[0]);


    audio[0].addEventListener('ended', function (event) {


        if (current == len) {

            current = 0;

            link = tracks[0];

        } else {

            link = tracks[current];


        run($(link), audio[0]);



function run(link, player) {

    player.src = link.attr('data-audio');





list.onclick = function (e) {

  e.preventDefault ();

  var elm =;

  var audio = document.getElementById ('audio');

  var source = document.getElementById ('audio');

  source.src = elm.getAttribute ('data-value');

  audio.load (); ();





7- Then click save Theme. Done coding in template

៙ How to put in an article:

8- Create a new article and copy the following code into the article based on HTML

<div class="player-wrapper">

    <ul class="playlist custom-counter" id="list">


            <div class="track-info">

                <a href="#" data-value="">Rain</a>

                <span class="artist">Akcent</span>




            <div class="track-info">

                <a href="#" data-value="">Incomplete</a>

                <span class="artist">Backstreet boys </span>




            <div class="track-info">

                <a href="#" data-value="">Daspacito</a>

                <span class="artist"> Luis Fonsi - Daddy Yankee</span>




    <audio id="audio" class="mejs__player" controls="controls" src="">

        Your browser does not support the audio format.



8- Code editing places are as follows:


            <div class = "track-info">

                <a href="#" data-value=""> Incomplete </a>

                <span class = "artist"> Backstreet boys </span>



9. Red is where we need to switch to the song we want to put

The only way to do that is to hopefully put it on your blogger.

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