What Are The Benefits of Expert Roundup Posts

Punniya seelan

Benefits of Expert Roundup

1. Learn from Experts

When you think of a topic for doing a roundup on your blog, you contact the experts of that particular topic and ask them to participate. Participating means they have to share their response/opinion for that question/topic. So, when you get responses from all the experts participating, being a blogger you actually learn something valuable by reading their responses.

So, first you learn, and then you publish, and your readers learn. You and your readers learn excellent stuff for FREE. Isn’t it great?

In short, from the experts’ responses not only the readers learn but you also learn something new and valuable. Many times, the responses may change the way you look at certain things. It is a win-win for bloggers. Thus, doing expert roundups is indeed a cool idea.

2. More Promotion More traffic

When you do an expert roundup in which 50 experts are participating, then you have those 50 experts who will be sharing that particular roundup post on their social media profiles. And, as they are expert in their niche they must be having a good fan following. So, when they promote your post, you get a lot of social shares and hence, more traffic.

3. More incoming links

Many of us have a page on our personal blog on which we share the links of the posts where we are featured. This way, when you do a roundup, you get incoming links from the roundup contributors.

I am one such person who has a page on his blog where you can find all the links of roundups, Interviews, and Lists where I have been featured. Whenever I am featured in a roundup post, I add the link of the post on my page.

So, you can see that you get more incoming links from the contributors. And, even roundup posts get a lot of links naturally as well when various bloggers mention those roundups in their blog posts.

4. More Engagement

When you do an expert roundup, you will notice that you get more blog comments because not only your readers will comment but the contributors and their followers do visit your blog to read and comment as well. So, with a huge flow of traffic, you get ahuge number of comments as well.

5. Networking with Influencers

For your roundup post, when you reach out to 100s of influencers, you get at least 50-60 replies. But, that is still worth of your time because not only you ask them to take part in the roundup but you also network with them. And, I don’t think I have to tell you the benefits of networking with the influencers.

6. Great content created by Experts for your blog

The best thing about expert roundup posts is that you just have to think of a good topic, and experts do the rest content writing work for you by writing their responses. However, you have to put a lot of efforts to contact, and get responses from everyone to club them all together to finalize the post. But, this is all worth because you get excellent content from industry experts without paying any fee.

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