Make Windows 7 Amazing by Ten Essential Features

Punniya seelan

Here we go:

The PC SafeGuard: Windows Vista gave users a lot of security to infections due to viruses and malicious programs than its predecessor Windows XP. But as inventions take place, so comes better facilities. Windows 7 is not an exception. It provides even higher security than Vista (the predecessor of Windows 7). This operating system has taken security issues to a yet another level by enabling PC SafeGuard. Here you can make all the changes that you want to be discarded at log off. Doing this what you do is you make all shortcuts, downloads, temp files, documents to disappear at once. This gives an additional security for the average users against deleterious and malware programs wandering round the world of web.
The modernistic image backup system : Windows 7 finally provided an answer to the problems of Mac users who love to castigate Time Machine. Windows 7 was the first to provide a platform to backup your system to a networked or external Hard drive. Windows 7 made the restore process extremely simple by having the capability to create a restore or rescue disc and even remembering the location of your last backup.
The All New Taskbar : Windows 7 has come with many improvements in the field of task bar which include a much more customizable system tray, re-ordering icons and a even better visual task tips. The icon only mode has also been marvelous as it helps to reduce task bar clutter and pinning simplifies access to our favorite applications. Moreover Windows Media Player’s tip view provides automatic playback control which does not require a special task bar mode.
Libraries : We all know that libraries play a great role in Windows Media Player, and what Windows 7 has done is it has made libraries a part of the operating system. The library of Windows 7 bestow the Explorer with a powerful addition. It simplifies speed browsing and searching, file sharing and even improves organization. Its an awful process to group related content not paying heed to where it is stored.
Improved UAC : Windows 7 came to the market with a lot of improved features and one among that is its much smarter and more user friendly UAC. If initiated manually no prompts pop up. If the user assures Windows that the application is authorized and trusted it does not pop up any more annoying tags. So simple things like changing date and time does not irritate an user as it does not require the ridiculous clicks required for authorization.
WinMin : This feature provides great help to notebook users since being a notebook user you would love to be capable of booting a minimal shell with access to important applications like web browser and IM client. Further more Windows 7 promises on instant-on features which is heartily welcome by mobile users.
Drastic fast Network File sharing : With the same network and sharing device, Windows 7 does file sharing a lot faster than its predecessors. Usually, XP and Vista users must have felt that on issuing some commands on Run menu sometimes hampers the speed of the process. This problem has been totally solved by Windows 7. With this operating system SMB shares open almost instantly.
Wireless Networking made even better and a lot easier : Wireless networking in Windows 7 is a nice clean package partly comprised of Windows XP and partly of Vista, but it is easier and faster than both. Just two clicks right from the system tray icon is enough for the connection to switch. That’s how easy it is!!
Improved battery life : Windows 7 comes with a 6 cell battery which is capable of improving your battery backup by a further 40 minutes. Windows 7 yields a gain of 11-15% by managing wireless LAN and Blue-tooth radios more intelligently and tweaking the OS kernel to allow both lower CPU frequencies and higher idle times.
Device Stage : Device stage improves integration with cell phones, PDAs, personal media players, cameras, and more by showing you a single device in the control panel which you can then explore to access its multiple capabilities.

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