How to Embed Live Spreadsheet in Web Pages

Punniya seelan

Do you have some spreadsheets to embed on webpage? Do you want to make it live so that your further changes will get live automatically? Although, Microsoft Excel’s HTML feature is a pretty good option, but, here are some other substitutes to embed live spreadsheet on web page. Let’s check them out.

Embed Live Spreadsheet in Web Pages using Google Docs

Try Google docs to embed spreadsheet on any web page. Google Docs has included the feature that allows you to embed live spreadsheet on the web page. That means if you make any change in the spreadsheet in Google docs the changes will be reflected on your web page automatically.

At first, upload the Excel file (spreadsheet) to Google docs. Let Google Docs convert that in its own format when uploading. If you want to create excel sheet and then embed it, do create it using Google Sheets.

After converting, open the spreadsheet via Google Sheet. Then, navigate through Files > Publish to the web menu.

Publish Spreadsheet to Web from Google Docs

Go to “Embed” tab and select sheet number or entire document that you would like to embed.

Get Embed Code for Google Spreadsheet

Now, make sure that the option called “Automatically republish when changes are made” is selected. Otherwise, the embedded spreadsheet will not be updated according to your changes.

After that, hit the “Publish” button and copy the iframe attributed code. You can paste this exact code anywhere to showcase your spreadsheet.

Embed Live Spreadsheet on Web Pages using Excel for Web?

Microsoft has dedicated Office package containing MS Word, MS Excel etc. for Windows and Mac. However, they also offer their most popular and useful office tools i.e. Word, Excel etc. as a web version. You can make use of the web version of Microsoft Excel to ember live spreadsheet on any webpage.

To use web version of Excel, just go to and create your document. Alternatively, if you already the excel sheet, you can upload it to your OneDrive account and open it via Excel for web. Then, navigate through FILE > Share > Embed.

Share Spreadsheet from Microsoft Excel

On the other next screen, you can generate HTML for embedding your spreadsheet. Just, hit the “Generate” button to get more options.

Generate HTML of spreadsheet for Web

Alike Google Spreadsheet, you can select either particular sheet or entire document to embed, hide/show grid lines (Not recommended), hide/show row/column headers, include download link, change aspect ratio and more others.

At last, copy the HTML code and paste it anywhere to display your live spreadsheet. On the other hand, you can also get Javascript if you want instead of HTML code.

Editor’s Note

Obviously, you can create spreadsheet using HTML on any webpage. In addition, this is also possible to generate HTML code for any spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. This is also a good option but, these specific things consumes a lot of times as well as it has several drawbacks like,

  1. The spreadsheet you embed becomes static if you use Microsoft Excel’s default HTML embedding feature. That means, if you want to update the spreadsheet you cannot do that by modifying the existing code. You have to replace the entire code again again as per your changes.

  2. The data are not live.

  3. The user can’t copy the tabular data.

  4. It is tough to customize the table.

And so forth.

However, if you use this above mentioned trick to embed any spreadsheet on any webpage, you will get the following benefits,

  1. The embedded spreadsheet will be copy-able. That means, your viewers can check and copy if they want.

  2. You can edit the embedded file remotely. You can edit the file right from your Google Drive or OneDrive.

And more others.

Considering all the things, you should opt for these methods while embedding spreadsheet on any webpage.


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