How to Disable Advertisements at uTorrent

Punniya seelan

If you use uTorrent, the most popular torrent client to download files from torrent sites (Download Torrents On Usb Drive), you might notice that there are some sponsored advertisements at the top and left part of the uTorrent desktop client. uTorrent started including sponsored ads from version 3 of its torrent application. The advertisement part had been included only for the monetizing purpose and you can disable advertisements at uTorrent whenever you wish. What you need to do to enjoy the latest version of uTorrent without any sponsored ad is to follow this step-by-step guide. This guide also works for BitTorrent clients as well.


How to Disable Advertisements at uTorrent

Disabling the advertisements in uTorrent is very simple. Just open the uTorrent client at your computer and go to Options > Preferences.

uTorrent Preferences

The “Preferences” window appears. Now, look at the left sidebar and you can see the “Advanced” option. Click on it to select (no need to click on the ‘+’ sign, it expands the option). Once selected, you can see various options (Advanced options) into the right hand side of the “Preferences” window.


Scroll down the list and focus the “gui.show_plus_upsell” option or simply use the search box to locate that option – search for “upsell”. Once you find it, click on that option to highlight. You can then find two radio buttons. One is “True” which is selected by default and another is “False”. Change the value to “False” by selecting the radio button. This action disables the advertisement section at the top of the uTorrent client.


Scroll further to focus another option called as “offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled” or simply search for “Sponsored”. Highlight this option and change the value to “False” by selecting the proper radio button at the below of the window. This action disables the advertisement at the left sidebar of uTorrent.


Once done, click the “OK” button and restart uTorrent. Should you remember that simply closing the uTorrent with the [x] button from the top-right corner won’t actually let you exit from it – it will still keep running. Therefore, right-click on the uTorrent icon at the system tray and choose to Exit.


Reopen the uTorrent client and you should not see any advertisement in it. Use uTorrent without any distraction – cheers!


Additional uTorrent Tip

It is recommended that you should not keep the “Automatically install update” option checked under the “General” section of “Preferences” window.


This will help you save from some unfortunate tantrums if you download torrent files(Download Torrents On Android) from some private sites. What happens actually that those private sites ban all torrent clients with their all versions except some hand-counted versions in the list. So if you auto update your torrent client, the newer version may not be accepted at those sites and you won’t be able to download anything.


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