How To Automatically Delete Browsing History In Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox And Internet Explorer

Punniya seelan

Automatically deleting browsing history is helpful in lot of ways. If you are surfing web on your friends computer, you’d rather don’t want your friends to stalk on what are you up to and the what all websites and tasks you’d performed on one’s computer system. Mostly people use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Or Internet Explorer as their primary web browser. Later two, has the in-built option using which one can delete browsing history as soon as you exit the web browser. But for Google Chrome lacks that option, shocking isn’t it. But we’ve a solution. But lets wind up the later two web browsers first. Here’s how to proceed.

How To Delete Browsing History In Mozilla Firefox

If you are  a Mozilla Firefox fanate, then here’s how you can delete the web browsing history without having to use any external Add-ons and all.

  • Click Firefox(situated at the top left) button. Choose Options.

  • Move over to Privacy panel.

  • Under History, choose “Custom settings for history”.

firefox delete web browser history

  • Then, check the last option, “Clear history when Firefox closes.”

  • You can also choose what all things you’d like to delete. Click on “Settings” button in front of that and check all what you’d like to delete when you exit Mozilla Firefox.

  • This includes Browsing History, Cookies, Active Logins, Download History, Form & Search History and much more options.

  • Once done, click OK  to confirm the action.

How To Delete Browsing History In Internet Explorer

If you are using Internet Explorer as your primary web browser, here’s how you can delete the web browsing history in it.

  • Click on “Tools”. Then, move over to “Internet Options”.

delete web browsing history in internet explorer

  • Under General Tab, check “Delete browsing history on exit”.

  • Voila, it’s that easy.

How To Delete Browsing History In Google Chrome

Shocking news is that Google Chrome lacks such in-built feature to deal out with web browsing history, though, you can delete the web browsing history manually before exiting the web browser. But, if you’d like to automate the task, you’ve got to use some external Google Chrome Extensions. Here’s how to proceed with the automation thing.

  • First of all, download this Google Chrome Extension from the Google Chrome Store. Download Click & Clean.

  • Once set-upped, it’ll automatically do all the tasks dealing with web browsing history deletion and some other features.

  • So, download and install the Google Chrome Extension. Believe me, it offers much more features than the in-built features provided in rest of both the web browsers mentioned above.

  • Installed? Right! Now right-click the Click & Clean Google Chrome Extension. Move over to “option”.

click n clean google chrome ext delete web browsing history

  • Under “Clear Private Data when Browser Closes” check all what you’d like to delete once you exit the web browser. Not only the web browser, but Google Chrome users can delete some System files(related to Google Chrome session) with the help of Click & Clean Google Chrome Extension.

  • If you’d like to set some exceptions like you do not want the web browser to delete some cookies related to some specific websites. You can utilize the second option for that. Install the module presented in the link and you are through. There are few other customization features related to tweak out the layout of Click & Clean extension, but that’s not what we are up to. Pretty powerful Google Chrome Extension it is.

  • Once configured, it’ll delete all your web browsing history when you punch out of Google Chrome.

So that’s how you can delete the web browsing history in these modern web browsers. But seriously, Google Chrome lacks this feature as an in-built option? Kinda surprises me! Google are you listening. You can also Browse Without Leaving Any Records.

If you are facing any problem regarding the tutorial, do let us know, we’d more than happy to help you out.

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